All Aboard! Why Fishing Is More Fun With Friends

What’s better than going fishing on a weekend and spending hours by the Los Cabos Sea simply unwinding? Going fishing at Los Cabos on a weekend with your friends!

Everything is doubled in fun when you have a group of like-minded individuals with you who enjoy the same things as you do, and fishing is no exception.

Mix of skills at play

When you’re fishing with a group of people, there is a variety of skills available at large; every individual being better at one particular task than the rest. Not only does this increase the efficiency of your group—with each person doing the part they’re best at—it also gives you a chance to learn from your teammates or teach them a thing or two.

Like any group activity, fishing too is an activity best performed if the participants work together, and the range of skills allow for even better results than you may initially have hoped for.

Nurtures bonding and trust

Fishing includes a lot more than just catching fish. It’s the long drives to the sea, the minutes—even hours—of patiently sitting on the boat, the sharing of workload, and snacks shared in between.

Naturally, spending hours of your day with your friends doing something you all enjoy is bound to bring you closer to each other. Amidst the laughter and chatter and the fish that slipped right out of your hands, you make tons of memories and develop a level of trust and respect for each other.

just catching fish

Value of goal-setting is understood

Deep sea fishing is all fun and games, but it’s also hard work! You don’t get the best catch of Cabo San Lucas if you’re lazing around or neglecting the line.

Setting a goal at the very beginning of how much fish you want to catch, and what kind (marlins or swordfish, what will it be?) helps in achieving the desired target once everybody gets in on the plan. All of you can work on a common goal, spreading out to get the best fish in the sea. While this may seem like a trivial thing to do, it will help you realize the importance of realistic goal setting and achieving the desired results in the long run.

For the pictures, of course!

It’s true what they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, and who doesn’t want one with their friends while holding the 12-foot blue marlin they caught?

Pictures make for the perfect way to capture those memories made, long after the fish have been cooked and devoured, and the bright blue sea is just the right backdrop for them.

For the pictures

Planning on sportfishing in Mexico? Book a fleet with Tag Cabo Sportfishing to accommodate all your friends, and make the best of this recreational activity. All aboard!