Cabo fishing reports July 10th 2017

Cabo fishing reports

Cabo fishing report July 10th 2017.
Amazing week with lots of small yellowfin tunas, about 8 over 200 pound tunas, a lot of striped marlin and a few dorados. 
On Saturday we went out targeting big yellowfin tunas but we caught our max on small yellowfin tunas and release a striped marlin.

We are also catching Sierras and Rooster fish in shore on the green water, for all you Anglers that would like to catch a great looking Rooster fish now is the time.

Cabo fishing report July 3rd 2017

Yellowfin tuna Cabo fishing reports

Cabo San Lucas fishing reports

If you are that Angler chasing big yellowfin tunas! now is the time to do so.

The big monster yellowfin tunas have moved in to our local banks, Several 200 pound plus tunas were caught yesterday.

We are still catching plenty of striped marlin, dorados and small yellowfin tunas.

Weather has been great for the last week, during the day it’s around 85 F and at night 75F.

Wind conditions  are in between 3kt to 6kt so the ocean is nice and smooth.

Book your fishing trip and go after that big tuna you have been wanting to catch. 


Cabo fishing report June 30th 2017


Wind.                                11 mph.

Humidity.                        48%

Water temperature.      60F in shore 78F  35 miles out from shore.    


The weather in Cabo San Lucas is way better after hurricane Dora was gone, our water temperatures in  shore are low 60s and that attracts fish like Spanish mackerel and rooster fish.

Yesterday on our pangas the captains caught a few rooster fish and lots of Spanish mackerel,  The yachts within our fleet went out 35 miles in search for the hot blue water once they got there they found a lot of dolphins feeding so they started trolling Cedar plugs to bring back home plenty of yellowfin tuna and e few decent dorado fish for dinner.  

Follow our Tag Cabo Sportfishing face book fan page to watch videos of our most recent charters.  Cabo fishing report June 30th 2017

Cabo fishing report June 26th 2017

Wheather conditions 

Air.                     Low 75 High 86 F

Wind.                10 mph.

Humidity.        45%


Fishing has been great except for one day that the port was close because of bad weather conditions, We have been catching multiple striped marlin every day a few yellowfin tunas really early in the morning and occasionally Dorados and wahoos. If you would like to go for yellowfin tuna we strongly recommend to be at the marina at 6am so that you can run out in search for dolphins, there has been a couple of over 200 lb yellowfin tunas caught this week by doing so.

If your trying to put a check mark on your fishing bucket list with a marlin, well right now is the perfect time for that, pack your bags  head down to Cabo and allow us to make your fishing experience unforgettable. 

Cabo fishing report June 16th 2017

Cabo fishing report June 16th 2017.
Sportfishing has been really hot for the last 3 weeks. Within our Tag Cabo sportfishing fleet, we have been catching and releasing multiple stripped marlin on a daily basis. We also ran into a few good size roosterfish for about a week and a half, nice big wahoos and some small yellowfin tunas here and there.

Make sure to follow us on our facebook page to stay up to date since we post live from our chartershttpsRoosterfish Valerie

The Ultimate Sports Fishing Grounds in Cabo San Lucas for a Perfect Fishing Experience

Sports Fishing

Envied worldwide for world-class sports fishing and reckoned as the ultimate place to cast bait, Cabo San Lucas provides both beginner & pro anglers with the perfect fishing experience that truly no other fishing destination can rival!

However, to experience the thrill and excitement that deep sea Cabo San Lucas sport fishing offers to anglers, it’s important that you know about the best fishing grounds in and around the area. And this is what we’ll share with you in this fishing report, so that when you go to Cabo San Lucas, you don’t miss the opportunity to catch the Striped Marlin, the best game fish in the sea, or miss your shot at finding big schools of Yellow Fin Tuna.

Hot Spots for Sports Fishing in Cabo San Lucas

Finger Bank

Known as the quintessential billfish fishery, the Finger Bank is the perfect fishing ground for anglers looking for a sea adventure. Situated approximately 50 miles upward from the marina of Cabo San Lucas, this is the place where you can find and bait for predatory fish. During winters and early spring, the place is surrounded by hoards of Stripped Marlin.

Tinaje Trough

Located on the Pacific Side, Tinaje Trough is one of the best fishing grounds in Cabo San Lucas. It is a deep gorge, forming a pathway of currents, underwater. It is nestled between The Golden Gate Bank and San Jaime Bank where the warm currents swiftly carry large amounts of Yellow Fin Tuna, Blue Marlin and Skipjack Tuna. Blue Marlin is the most favorite and exciting catch in the sea for anglers here, typically because of its aerial acrobatics and unbelievable agility. If you choose this ground for fishing, make sure that you come equipped and are ready for a chase to catch your prey.

Gordo Banks

This is one of the most popular fishing spots on the eastern coast of Cabo San Lucas, and in the Sea of Cortez. It is located 5 miles away from the coastline of Baja. This fishing spot is divided into the Outer and Inner Gordo Banks. The Outer division is where all the sea action happens. From April to November, the Outer Gordo Banks is brimming with Yellowtail, Wahoo, Grouper, and Pargo and profuse with Sailfish, Tuna and Mahi Mahi. And in case you visit this place off-season, even then you can enjoy great fishing here.

1150 Bank

If you’re dead-set that you want to come back home with an epic Cabo San Lucas sports fishing story, then 1150 Bank is a must visit fishing ground. Lying approximately 20 to 25 miles off shore, 1150 Bank sports a fantastic combination of marine features of the Pacific and the Sea of Cortez. This is a much celebrated location for catching Marlin & Tuna fish, and what adds to the excitement is that the fishing spot is frequented by a variety of Shark species, particularly the shortfin Mako Shark, also known as the Blue Pointer.

So, what are you waiting for? Gear up for some memorable deep sea sports fishing action in Cabo San Lucas! Make sure to visit these hot spots to experience the real thrill of sports fishing.