The Best Lure Colors for Fishing

The Best Lure Colors for Fishing

The Best Lure Colors for Fishing: Sunny vs. Overcast Conditions

By Captain Arturo Chacon

With over 20 years of experience in saltwater fishing, and as the proud owner and operator of Tag Cabo Sportfishing fleet, I have spent countless hours on the water under all kinds of weather conditions. Over the years, I’ve noticed how crucial the right lure color can be in boosting your catch rates. In this blog, I’ll share insights on the best lure colors to use on sunny and overcast days, helping you make the most out of your fishing expeditions.

The Best Lure Colors for Fishing

Understanding Lure Colors

The visibility of your lure can make or break your fishing success. Light penetration and water clarity dramatically influence what fish can see. On bright days, the sun’s rays penetrate deeper into the water, illuminating your lures and making them more visible, while overcast skies cast a shadow, requiring a different approach.

Best Lure Colors for Sunny Days

When the sun is shining and the water clarity is high, opt for lures that mimic the natural appearance of fish bait. Colors like silver, white, and pale blues can be particularly effective as they reflect sunlight, catching the eye of predatory fish. For example, using a silver spinner or a white crankbait can be highly effective for species like bass and trout.

Best Lure Colors for Overcast Days

Darker days call for a bolder approach. Under cloudy skies, it’s advantageous to use lures that stand out against the dim background. Dark colors like black and purple or bright colors such as chartreuse and fluorescent tones can make your lure more noticeable. A black jig or a fluorescent topwater lure can work wonders in attracting bites in such conditions.

Tips for Choosing Lure Colors

Choosing the right lure color is not just about matching the weather but also considering the species you’re targeting and the specific conditions of the day. While the above suggestions generally work well, don’t hesitate to experiment. Sometimes, an unconventional choice like a bright orange or a green lure on a sunny day might just surprise you.

The Best Lure Colors for Fishing


Selecting the right lure color based on the weather is a simple yet effective way to enhance your fishing strategy. Whether the skies are clear or clouded, remember to tailor your approach to maximize visibility and attractiveness of your lures.

I encourage all anglers, whether novice or seasoned, to test these suggestions and share your experiences. What colors have brought you the most success? Drop your stories in the comments below or join us at Tag Cabo Sportfishing for a tailored, expert-led fishing adventure that you won’t forget.

Find The Best Type of Fishing Line For You

Find The Best Type of Fishing Line For You

Fishing Line Types Explained – Find The Best Type of Fishing Line For You

Choosing the right fishing line is crucial for any angler. The type of line you select can significantly affect your fishing success, influencing everything from casting ability to how well you can hook and land fish. With various options available, this guide will help you navigate through the choices to find the best fishing line for your needs.

Find The Best Type of Fishing Line

1. Monofilament Fishing Line

Description: Monofilament, commonly referred to as ‘mono,’ is made from a single fiber of plastic. It is one of the most popular types of fishing lines due to its balance of versatility and affordability.


  • Easy to handle and tie knots with, making it great for beginners.
  • Good stretch, which can be forgiving with sudden tugs and jumps from fish.
  • Available in a variety of colors and strengths to match different fishing conditions.


  • More prone to abrasion and can be damaged by ultraviolet light.
  • Loses strength over time, requiring more frequent replacements.

Best Uses: Ideal for topwater fishing and general freshwater angling, especially when targeting species like bass and walleye.

2. Braided Fishing Line

Description: Braided line is made by weaving together several strands of material to create a strong, thin line. It’s known for its exceptional strength and lack of stretch.


  • Superior strength-to-diameter ratio, allowing for longer casts with less line drag.
  • Virtually no stretch, offering great sensitivity to detect bites.
  • Lasts longer as it is highly resistant to deterioration.


  • More visible underwater, which may spook some fish.
  • Can be difficult to work with, especially when tying knots.

Best Uses: Perfect for deep-sea fishing and situations where you need to feel subtle bites, such as jigging or fishing in heavy cover.

3. Fluorocarbon Fishing Line

Description: Fluorocarbon is valued for its near invisibility underwater due to its light refraction index similar to water. It is denser and heavier than monofilament.


  • Almost invisible underwater, making it ideal for clear waters and wary fish.
  • Greater abrasion resistance and less prone to deterioration under sunlight.
  • Does not absorb water, maintaining strength and resistance over time.


  • Generally stiffer and more memory than mono, which can make casting more challenging.
  • Higher cost than monofilament.

Best Uses: Excellent for leaders or main lines in clear water scenarios, especially for species like trout and bass that are line-shy.

4. Copolymer Fishing Line

Description: Copolymer lines are similar to monofilament but are made from two or more types of nylon, which offers enhancements over standard mono.


  • Lower memory and better abrasion resistance than monofilament.
  • More versatile with a range of formulas to adjust stretch and strength properties.


  • Can vary in quality depending on the blend, making selection important.
  • Not as widely understood or used as other line types.

Best Uses: A solid choice for anglers who like the handling of mono but want a line with better overall performance characteristics.

5. Specialty Lines

Description: There are lines designed for specific fishing scenarios, like fly fishing lines, ice fishing lines, and trolling lines.


  • Tailored for specific tasks, ensuring optimal performance in niche fishing activities.
  • Often designed to handle extreme conditions, like low temperatures in ice fishing.


  • Not versatile—each line type is suited only for its specific purpose.
  • Usually more expensive due to specialized design.

Best Uses: Choose these lines when engaging in the specific type of fishing they are designed for, ensuring maximum efficiency and effectiveness.


Selecting the right fishing line involves understanding the balance between strength, flexibility, visibility, and durability. Whether you’re casting in a local river or trolling in deep seas, the right line can make all the difference. Experiment with different types to discover which works best for your fishing style and local conditions.

Try out different fishing lines and don’t hesitate to ask for advice at your local tackle shop. With the right line, your next big catch could just be a cast away!

Mastering Inshore Fishing with Stick Bait Lures in Los Cabos

Mastering Inshore Fishing with Stick Bait Lures in Los Cabos

Los Cabos is renowned for its spectacular fishing opportunities, and while offshore fishing gets most of the attention, inshore fishing offers just as much thrill. Stick bait lures, with their lifelike swimming action, are a favorite among anglers looking to hook some impressive catches right from the shore. This blog will explore how to use stick bait lures effectively in the waters of Los Cabos.

Why Stick Bait Lures?

Stick bait lures are designed to mimic the movement and appearance of small fish, making them irresistible to predators. Their simple design—elongated bodies without built-in action—requires the angler to animate them through rod movements, which can be incredibly effective in clear, shallow waters where fish can scrutinize their prey.

Choosing the Right Stick Bait

When fishing in Los Cabos, the choice of stick bait can significantly affect your success:

  • Size: Choose a size that matches the prevalent baitfish in the area. Generally, lures ranging from 4 to 8 inches work well.
  • Color: Natural colors like silver, blue, and green mimic common baitfish, while brighter colors can be effective on cloudy days or in murky waters.
  • Material: Plastic stick baits are common, but wooden ones can offer better durability and a slight natural buoyancy which enhances the lure’s action.

Techniques for Using Stick Baits

  • Walking the Dog: This surface technique involves twitching your rod tip and reeling in slack to make the lure dart side to side. It’s perfect for calm days and clear water.
  • Twitch and Pause: Cast your lure and let it settle. Then, twitch the rod tip sharply a few times before allowing the lure to come to a rest. This mimics a wounded fish and is often irresistible to predators.
  • Steady Retrieve: Sometimes, a simple steady retrieve with occasional twitches can be effective, especially when fish are aggressively feeding.

Best Spots for Inshore Stick Bait Fishing in Los Cabos

  • The lighthouse: Just a short distance from the bustling marina, this area is a nursery for young fish and attracts a variety of predators.
  • Palmilla Beach: The drop-offs near the shore can be productive, especially early in the morning or late in the afternoon.
  • Chileno Bay: Accessible from the shore, this area offers a rocky bottom where larger predatory fish come to feed.
Mastering Inshore Fishing with Stick Bait Lures in Los Cabos

Tips for Success

  • Observe the Water: Look for signs of feeding fish, such as birds diving or fish jumping.
  • Change it Up: If one technique isn’t working, switch to another or try a different stick bait. Flexibility is key.
  • Focus on the Tide: Fish are more active during the moving tides. Plan your fishing trip around high or low tide for the best results.


Inshore fishing with stick bait lures in Los Cabos is both an art and a science. By understanding the local conditions and mastering the use of these versatile lures, anglers can enjoy a rewarding fishing experience right from the shore. Whether you’re a novice looking to catch your first fish or an experienced angler refining your skills, stick bait lures offer a thrilling challenge with great rewards.

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Have you tried using stick bait lures in Los Cabos? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below, and don’t forget to subscribe for more local fishing insights and stories!

Choosing the Right Leader for Saltwater Fishing

Choosing the Right Leader for Saltwater Fishing

Choosing the Right Leader for Saltwater Fishing: Material, Length, and Tips

In saltwater fishing, using the right leader can make a significant difference in your success rate. The leader, the part of the fishing line that actually connects the hook to the main line, is crucial for both presenting the bait naturally and protecting your line from sharp-toothed fish. This blog will explore the best types of leaders for saltwater fishing and advise on the optimal lengths for various fishing scenarios.

Choosing the Right Leader for Saltwater Fishing

Why is the Leader Important?

The leader serves several critical functions in saltwater fishing:

  • Protection: It prevents the main line from being cut by sharp teeth, abrasive mouths, or rough underwater structures.
  • Invisibility: Clear leaders are less noticeable to fish, which can be wary of anything unusual.
  • Shock Absorption: During fierce fights, the leader can absorb sudden shocks, reducing the risk of the line breaking.

Best Leader Materials

  1. Monofilament Leaders: Made from a single strand of material, monofilament leaders are great for their stretch and forgiveness. They are less visible underwater and are best used when you need a stealthier presentation.
  2. Fluorocarbon Leaders: These leaders are virtually invisible underwater and are highly resistant to abrasion, making them ideal for targeting species in clear waters and around sharp structures.
  3. Wire Leaders: Essential when targeting toothy predators like mackerel, barracuda, or sharks, wire leaders prevent cutting and ensure your catch doesn’t swim away with your gear.
Choosing the Right Leader for Saltwater Fishing

Optimal Leader Length

The length of your leader depends on several factors including the clarity of the water, the targeted fish species, and the fishing technique:

  • General Saltwater Fishing: A good starting length is about 24 to 36 inches. This length is versatile enough for various types of fish and waters.
  • Clear Water Conditions: In clear waters, a longer leader (up to 6-8 feet) can be more effective as it keeps the bulk of the fishing line further away from the lure or bait, making it less visible to cautious fish.
  • Fishing for Toothed Fish: When targeting species with sharp teeth, a shorter but stronger leader, often made of wire, about 12 to 24 inches long, is advisable to withstand bites but also prevent the fish from noticing it.
  • Deep Sea and Trolling: For these methods, leaders can be even longer, from 10 to 20 feet, depending on the depth and the fish species. Longer leaders can handle stronger currents and deeper waters without compromising the natural presentation of the bait.

Tips for Choosing and Using Leaders

  • Match the Leader to the Main Line: Ensure the strength of your leader is appropriate for the type of main line you’re using. Overly heavy leaders can hamper your line performance.
  • Regular Inspection and Replacement: Saltwater and physical strain can wear down your leader. Regularly inspect for nicks and abrasions, and replace it as necessary to avoid losing your catch.
  • Practice Knots: The knots connecting your leader to the line and hook are critical. Practice tying secure knots like the Double Uni Knot or the Albright Knot for reliability.
Choosing the Right Leader for Saltwater Fishing


Selecting the right leader and determining the proper length are foundational skills in saltwater fishing. By understanding the unique challenges of your fishing environment and the behaviors of your target species, you can choose a leader that maximizes both your bait presentation and your rate of success.

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Do you have a go-to leader setup for your saltwater fishing adventures? Share your setups and tips in the comments below. Stay hooked by subscribing for more insights and fishing techniques!

Summer Fishing in Cabo San Lucas: A Paradise for Anglers

Summer Fishing in Cabo San Lucas: A Paradise for Anglers

Cabo San Lucas is not just a stunning vacation spot with its pristine beaches and vibrant nightlife; it’s also a world-renowned fishing destination. Every summer, anglers from around the globe flock to these waters, lured by the promise of battling the biggest and most challenging game fish. In this blog, we dive into what makes summer the peak season for fishing in Cabo San Lucas and how you can make the most of your angling adventure.

Summer Fishing in Cabo San Lucas

Why Summer?

Summer in Cabo brings warmer waters and an abundance of marine life, making it the best time to cast your line. Key species such as Marlin, Sailfish, and Tuna are more active, providing unparalleled offshore fishing experiences. The weather is favorable too, with clear skies and gentle breezes that are perfect for a day at sea.

Species to Catch

  • Marlin: The king of sportfish, marlin is both prestigious and challenging to catch. Blue and striped marlin are particularly plentiful during the summer months.
  • Sailfish: Known for their incredible speed and majestic fins, sailfish offer an exciting fight for any angler.
  • Yellowfin Tuna: These are strong, fast, and make for a delicious catch. Tuna runs can lead to some of the most exhilarating fishing days.
  • Dorado (Mahi-Mahi): Not only are they beautiful with their vibrant colors, but they’re also tasty and can be found in abundance.

Best Fishing Spots

To make the most of your trip, head to these hotspots:

  • The Arch of Cabo San Lucas: Near this famous landmark, the waters are teeming with life.
  • Gordo Banks: Situated a few miles offshore, these seamounts are a haven for big game species.
  • The 95 Spot: A deep-water location that is ideal for catching large tuna and marlin.

Fishing Charters

Choosing the right charter can make or break your fishing experience. Look for well-reviewed charters that offer knowledgeable captains and crew who know the waters well. Opt for charters that practice sustainable fishing methods to help preserve the sport for future generations.

Tips for Successful Fishing

  • Get the Right Gear: Ensure you have heavy-duty rods, reels, and tackle appropriate for the large fish you aim to catch.
  • Listen to Your Captain: Their expertise can guide you to the best spots and techniques for the day’s conditions.
  • Be Patient and Perseverant: Fishing is about timing and instinct. Trust the process and stay ready for action.

Conservation Efforts

Engage in catch-and-release practices whenever possible, especially for species like marlin and sailfish, to help maintain the fish population. Local charters often have specific rules to maximize conservation efforts.


Fishing in Cabo San Lucas during the summer offers not just the thrill of the catch but also contributes to a memorable vacation filled with spectacular ocean views and exciting battles on the high seas. Whether you’re a seasoned angler or a curious first-timer, the rich waters of Cabo promise an unforgettable experience.

Engage With Us

Have you ever fished in Cabo San Lucas? Share your stories and photos in the comments below! Don’t forget to subscribe for more tips, stories, and fishing updates from around the world.

Exploring the Thrills of Jigging in Cabo

Exploring the Thrills of Jigging in Cabo

Exploring the Thrills of Jigging in Cabo: Your Ultimate Fishing Adventure

Welcome to the exhilarating world of jigging in Cabo, where the deep blue waters of the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Cortez meet to offer some of the most thrilling fishing experiences on the planet. At Tag Cabo Sportfishing, we specialize in guiding anglers through the art and excitement of jigging, particularly focusing on the innovative techniques of slow pitch jigging. Whether you’re a seasoned fisherman or a novice eager to learn, our trips are tailored to provide unforgettable fishing adventures.

What is Jigging?

Jigging is a dynamic style of fishing that involves using metal jigs, which are heavy, shiny lures dropped deep into the water and retrieved in a series of upward jerks. This method mimics wounded or fleeing fish, an irresistible lure for predatory species. The technique can be physically demanding but incredibly rewarding, offering a hands-on, adrenaline-pumping experience.

The Art of Slow Pitch Jigging

Slow pitch jigging, a technique that has gained immense popularity among seasoned anglers, takes a more nuanced approach compared to traditional jigging. It involves a lighter jig and a slower, more methodical manipulation of the rod, allowing the jig to flutter and fall enticingly. This technique is particularly effective in targeting specific species because it can tempt even the most cautious fish to bite.

Exploring the Thrills of Jigging in Cabo

Premier Jigging Spots in Cabo

On the Sea of Cortez:

  • Tule Bank: Known for its vibrant marine life, Tule Bank is a hotspot for those looking to hook into large snappers and groupers.
  • Palmilla: Just off the coast near San José del Cabo, Palmilla offers a rich underwater structure that attracts a diverse range of fish.
  • Iman Bank: This location is famed for its schools of tuna and other pelagic fish, making it a prime spot for those looking to test their jigging skills.

On the Pacific Side:

  • 45 Spot: A well-known location for those in pursuit of marlin and other large pelagics, the 45 Spot combines deep waters and abundant fish.
  • Margarita Bank: Ideal for encountering a variety of species, Margarita Bank offers a challenging environment for jigging enthusiasts.
  • Migrino: Near the coastline, Migrino is perfect for those who want a mix of bottom fish and the chance at larger roving predators.
  • Punta Tinaja Bank: This area is particularly noted for its rich biodiversity, providing a thrilling challenge for even the most experienced jig fishermen.
Exploring the Thrills of Jigging in Cabo

Why Choose Tag Cabo Sportfishing for Your Jigging Adventure?

At Tag Cabo Sportfishing, we pride ourselves on our expert knowledge of the local waters and our ability to cater to both beginners and experienced anglers. Our top-of-the-line boats are equipped with the latest fishing gear to ensure a productive outing, and our captains are passionate about making each trip a memorable one. Whether you are looking to master slow pitch jigging or just want to experience the thrill of the catch, we are here to guide you through every step of the journey.

Cabo offers one of the best settings in the world for jigging, thanks to its diverse range of fish species and stunning natural beauty. From the crystal-clear waters of the Sea of Cortez to the vast expanses of the Pacific Ocean, each location offers a unique fishing experience that promises both challenge and excitement. Join us at Tag Cabo Sportfishing, and let us help you turn these fishing dreams into a reality. Book your trip today and dive into the world of jigging in Cabo, where every cast is an adventure!