Choosing the Perfect Bait for Your Fishing Trip to Cabo San Lucas: What You Need to Know

The deep saltwater of Cabo San Lucas is the ideal fishing spot if you’re an angler in search for a good time. One thing you need to pay attention to is the bait you bring with you.

Fish are incredibly perceptive to the kind of bait you use. This is because all their senses work when they search for possible food sources.

It’s true that even in the clearest of waters, most fish can only see as far as 15 feet ahead. This doesn’t mean, however, that they cannot detect faint movement in the water.

Even if there’s a single scent particle in the water, fish can easily identify it as potential dinner. Since their ability to trace scents is so much more advanced than that of humans, it’s important for anglers to be careful about the type of fishing bait they pick.

To help you make the right decision, here is how you can choose the perfect bait for your fishing trip to Cabo San Lucas!

Bait Crabs

If you use crabs as bait, it’s best to rig them live. Don’t worry! Hooking a live crab is actually much easier than it sounds. Simply bore the hook through the shell of the crustacean and secure the fishing hook to one end of the crab’s shell. This way they stay alive for a longer time, ideal for luring big fish.

Bait Fish

Small fish typically used for catching big game can be used as bait for saltwater fishing. Although both marine fish and saltwater fish are great candidates, we recommend using marine bait fish like anchovies and scad to get a good catch. Whether you use them as cut baits or live baits, the fish are sure to bite!

Bait Shrimps

Shrimps are one of the most popular saltwater fishing baits out there. Shrimps are the favorite snacks of saltwater fish and so, make for easy bait. Note that to keep the shrimp alive and kicking, avoid hooking through the darker regions of its body.

Bait Clams

Clams and mussels make it to our top picks as far as fresh baits go.

Before setting off for your fishing adventure, collect clams found in shallow water. Simply remove the hard shell before rigging them to your hook and you’re good to go!

Tag Cabo Sportfishing is a reputable sport fishing yacht charters company based in Mexico. Our expansive fishing fleet is bound to make your Cabo San Lucas fishing experience a memorable one.

Get in touch with us today!