Fishing Etiquettes 101: 5 Water Rules You Need to Follow

Every angler must have, at least once in their life, done something to aggravate another angler, from throwing a big wake while crossing a boat, to scaring away your possible catch.

Instead of getting mad, let all your fellow anglers know about the common etiquettes and courtesies one needs to follow, when on a fishing boat. If you want take things up a notch, print out these basic courtesies and stick them around your boat.

Rule #1: Stop sending a wake

Your fishing weekend in Cabo may have ended and you might be speeding away to put your fish in the freezer, but wait, what about the other fishermen at the sea. Be very careful, when crossing other a fishing boat. Sending a water wake in the direction of a fishing boat scares away all the fishes in that area. Remain 200 yards away from the fishing boats, if you want to continue speeding or slow down.  

Rule # 2: No sharing the anchored space

No sharing the anchored space

If a boat is already anchored in a visible structure or kelp line, you can’t just steer your boat in that direction and share the fishing spot. It’s the unspoken law of the sea, so stay clear of anchored boats, or you will be dealing with a very angry angler.

Rule # 3: Don’t stand out

The things you do above the surface, greatly impact the ecosystem of the sea. You will always find other fishermen or fleets of boats around you, be mindful of them and act collectively. If all boats are drifting, you need to drift too, if all boats are anchored, you need to anchor too. Odd behavior of one boat can ruin the rhythm of the sea, and prevent everyone from getting a good catch for the day.

Rule # 4: Don’t anchor closer to other boats

Judging distance can be difficult at times, use a laser range finder to anchor your boat at least 100 yards away from other anchored boats. Anchoring close to other boats interferes with the bait line of other fishermen and creates a wedge.

Rule # 5:Don’t poach

It’s heartbreaking to see another boat get a huge bite, but poaching fishes from other boats is criminal offence in the fishing world. Fishing is usually done in fleets, so if you want to be the first one to get good bites, arrive early at the sea.

Now you know the correct way of conducting yourself at the sea. Put your knowledge to the test by going deep sea fishing in Cabo San Lucas this weekend. We can charter a luxury yacht or sports fishing boats for you. Call +52 624.168.9544 to know more about Tag CaboSportfishing charter prices.