How To Be A Great Client When Hiring Cabo Fishing Charters?

How To Be A Great Client When Hiring Cabo Fishing Charters?


Fishing can be your heart & soul. Or, you have just started exploring the versatilities of fishing. You can enhance your fishing experience only if you hire the right Cabo fishing charters. Once you have done this, there is a part you need to play as well. You need to be a good or, better yet, great client. A good experience comes when both the client and the service providers gel well with one another. It sure is the duty of a service provider to ensure comfort and luxury for the client. However, the client also needs to be thankful and obliged for the service provided.

Why Is A Positive Client Persona Important?

Fishing is an activity that relaxes you. It is important that the relationship between a client and the fishing charter service provider is fulfilling. A positive buyer persona allows the service providers to better understand what the client wants. This allows the fishing charters’ services to cater to the specific client’s desires.

There are certain etiquettes that you need to keep in mind when connecting with Cabo fishing charters. If you don’t stick to these fishing etiquettes, you might come across some unavoidable issues. Evidently, this can spoil your trip or affect it negatively. So, regardless of when and where you book your fishing charter, follow these etiquettes to the T.

So, let us learn more about these fishing etiquettes that will help you become a great client.

Basics Client Etiquettes To Follow On Cabo Fishing Charters

1. Make A Great First Impression:

No pressure, but as is with any meeting, first impressions should be great. It isn’t just the service providers that need to set a benchmark. As a client, you also need to create a good impression. Make sure your day starts on the right note. So, make sure you seek the captain’s permission before stepping onboard. Fishing charters Cabo San Lucas, are essentially their livelihood. This is where they spend their entire day.

So, their boat is something very dear to them. Even if your Cabo San Lucas fishing charters are on standby for you, it is expected that you greet them with a warm gesture. Ask for their permission to step onboard. This will instantly get you on the charter captain’s positive side. You are subtlety letting them know that you respect them.

If you aren’t a good client, your captain might not connect with you, and the experience might not be as immersive.

2. No Bananas Onboard The Fishing Charter:

Now, this might sound very funny and more on the lines of superstition. However, it is followed religiously by fishing charter owners and service providers. If you are a long-time fishing enthusiast, this is something you might have heard before.

A large population of fishing charter captains follows this belief religiously. Simply put, don’t bring any bananas on board the fishing charter. Moreover, some captains even take superstition way too strictly. So, anything with the symbol of a banana or even the word banana might not be welcomed.

Now, Cabo San Lucas fishing charters don’t believe in these superstitions, but it is better to avoid bananas. This is true in terms of safety. Banana peels tend to be very slippery. So, any peels that have fallen onboard by mistake might cause slipping accidents.

There are several theories that explain the belief behind this myth, but there isn’t a solid reason to justify it. As per the superstition, a banana on board can get the fishing charters into big trouble. The superstition can involve anything from bad weather to mechanical failure or even tight-lipped fishes.

3. Have A Chat With The Captain:

When you hop on board a fishing charter, you are among strangers. And, it can be difficult to create an amazing experience with someone who doesn’t know you. So, it is important to connect with the Cabo Marlin fishing charters team. You can also connect with the captain if time permits. Have a chat with the captain and elaborate on the fishing experience you seek.

Fishing charter captains are talented & skilled when it comes to reading the water conditions, weather, & fish behavior. But, they surely do not know how to read your mind. This is why it is important to connect with them and explain your fishing needs.

You can explain to them how you want your day to pan out. You can do this while onboard the fishing charters Cabo San Lucas. Or, better yet, you can do so a day ahead of the trip. Make sure you get on a call with the captain to ask if they have time to spare for this chat. You wouldn’t want to disturb them while they are entertaining other clients with the best fishing charters in Cabo.

Your chat can include the specific fish species you plan to target. You can also discuss fishing methods or even request drinks or food onboard if the trip is long. The better you communicate with the team; the happier would be your experience onboard.

4. Fishing Doesn’t Mean Catching:

Certain experienced fishing anglers come with a pre-planned fishing game. You might be way too enthusiastic and show up with a list of fish species that you plan to catch in a day. Worst yet, certain clients assume that they can jump from one species to another in a blink.

However, one needs to understand that fishes are wild by nature. You cannot find them anywhere you want. Moreover, they live within larger water bodies to which we anglers are just mere visitors. They know the area better than we do. So, expecting all the fishes to turn upright on the spot is aiming too high.

The Cabo San Lucas fishing charters team has the experience to help you fish easily, but they aren’t 100% accurate. Your captain will ensure that you get a thorough experience in the fishing charter. So, make sure you hop on board with an open mindset. Keep in mind that fishing isn’t like shopping at a grocery store.

So, make sure you don’t spoil your mood if you can get your hands on a fish species of your choice. It entirely depends on your luck and the skills of the team onboard. It is a 50-50 game. So, you might end up finding all the fish or maybe none.

5. Be Prepared For Anything:

With technology to help us, we can now track the weather or any environmental abnormalities. Most fishing charters Cabo San Lucas, follow the weather updates to provide you with a thorough and safe experience. However, the weather can be very unpredictable. Even if one is prepared, you cannot guarantee.

Just because the fishing trip has been planned out for months doesn’t mean things will pan out the right way. Several anglers visit the best fishing charters in Cabo with a bucket list, doesn’t mean you can tick them all. Every time you enter the water, be prepared with everything that is necessary to keep you safe. Cabo San Lucas fishing charters ensure that all safety measures are in place when you come onboard.

The point is, even if it is the best time, best place, and best team, there is no guaranteeing the outcome. So, do not aim for anything too unrealistic. Make sure you have everything onboard that keeps you safe. With the best fishing charters in Cabo, you do not have to worry about these issues. The years of expertise and skills help the team provide you with the best fishing charter experience.

6. Don’t Be The Mess Maker:

Not all can be blamed, but there are a few that tend to throw their trash all over. So, if you are someone who resonates with this, the time to correct your behavior is now. This might be your first trip on the water. Regardless, you need to be as clean as possible. Do not throw your trash in the water or in the charter.

When onboard the fishing charters Cabo San Lucas, you will be provided with dustbins for the dumping of your trash. You simply cannot dump them anywhere you feel like, and certainly not in the water. We assume that dumping things in water will take it out of our sight. However, the water is already polluted, thanks to us humans. So, you might assume that adding a piece of trash or two might not harm the water. But, the problem starts when this thought process is replicated by many, it is the start of chaos.

So, make sure you don’t be a part of this crowd. Be wise and don’t dump your trash in the water or the fishing charter. Moreover, this can also come off as a sign of disrespect to the fishing charter team. They consider the water their home. So, dumping trash in someone’s home is the worst thing you can do.

7. The Bathroom Break:

With so much water all around you, the urge to take a pee might irk you every now and then. Moreover, you might also want to take a dump. It is nature’s call, and you got to answer it anyhow. Yes, you can hold it for some time. However, things become slow when you are fishing. You wouldn’t want to take a round trip all the way to the shore just to pee.

This will spoil everyone else’s mood and even yours. So, a smart move would be to hire the best fishing charters in Cabo with an in-house marine toilet. This will make your trip easy and relaxing. If the basics haven’t been explained to you, don’t hesitate from asking the team onboard about the bathroom situation. Some fishing charters have portable holding tanks designed to be pumped when docked.

Other charters have systems designed to flush right in the water with the help of a regular pump and handle. Also, try to use as less of toilet paper as possible. Keep in mind that you are on board a charter. So, they might or might not have the system to dispose of toilet papers.

Doing so might lead to issues such as clogging, which can be way more embarrassing than asking for a bathroom. A clogging issue might need your trip to be cut short, or you might have to pay for the damage.

So, it is better to understand the dos and don’ts by consulting with the captain or any team member.

8. Give A Good Review Or Recommendation:

Another way you can be a great client for the Cabo fishing charters is to put up some great reviews. No pressure! Do so only when you feel that the service you received was great. Just like other businesses, charters survive on referral and repeat businesses. So, your review and recommendations can be great for the business. Plus, it will also get you on the captain’s good side. You might also get some plus points on your next trip.

Whether it is Google, Facebook page, or any online forum, you can leave a review to help. Moreover, referrals coming from the horse’s mouth are important for the business. So, you can be a good client and leave your experience as a review. Or, better yet, pass along their contact info to help fishing enthusiasts connect to the charters.


Apart from this, you can also add a small tip to the donation box. This will help the team keep up the fishing charter business when the customer inflow is down. Every cent counts to keep one’s business afloat. So, it is important that you do your part. When you follow these tips religiously, you can be a great client. Fishing trips only become a memorable experience when you put in the right effort. Behave with your captain the way you would want them to behave with you.

Are you looking for the best fishing charters in Cabo? Tag Cabo SportFishing gives you access to luxurious fleets at pocket-friendly prices. These fleets are designed to give you an amazing fishing experience guided by a talented, skilled, and trained team on board. So, why wait? Book your fishing charter in Cabo, Mexico, by writing to us at or dialling us at +52-624-168-9544.