Some Deep Sea Diving Tips From the Pros!

Are you a sea adventurist who simply loves taking a deep dive into the water? Well, you’re not alone! We, too, can’t get enough of the rush that comes with water sports! However, diving can be risky business and must be done right to avoid any risks.

Every dive is a decompression dive in which the body experiences a lot more pressure than it does on land—this can be very dangerous, even deadly. In 2009, a National Geographic diver died, while filming in Greece, due to decompression sickness. However, with the right tips to guide you, you won’t have to worry about anything. Allow us to share some our best expert tips:

Tip #1: Plan Your Dive

All dives should be carefully planned; after all, safety is of paramount importance. If your deep dive includes decompression stops, then you need to work them into the plan. Account for factors like the ascent time and the decompression stop time, so there’s no confusion when you get into it. Experts suggest that you use decompression table to do your planning because the table accounts for all the factors that you should consider while planning, hence ensuring that you’ve a perfect plan laid out before you go diving.

Tip #2: Take Diving Conditions Into Account

You can’t dive into any water body whenever and however you want. The diving preparations differ depending on where you go diving.

For example, diving into the Caribbean Sea is quite different from diving into waters of the United Kingdom. For colder areas, you’ll have to wear more insulation and be more buoyant from the very start. As for a dive into a U.K. water body, you’ll need to take the tide and the current into consideration as well.

Another important factor to think about is the visibility of water. Not only will it affect the dive, it would also have an impact on your stress. The more you stress, the more air you’d consume and the lesser your dive time would be—something you need to avoid on a deep dive.

Tip #3: Dive As Deep As Your Qualification Level

Never dive more than your qualification. Your travel insurance wouldn’t cover you in case of an injury.

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