Welcome to the Tag Cabo Sportfishing Blog!
Our blog is all about sharing our passion for sportfishing, educating fellow anglers, and continuously learning along the way. Here, you’ll find expert tips, insights on the latest fishing technology, and stories from our adventures on the water. Whether you’re looking to improve your skills or simply love the thrill of the catch, this is the place for you.
Follow us on social media for daily fishing reports, or check out our YouTube channel to experience our fishing adventures firsthand!
Deep Blue Mexican Sea: All You Need to Know
If you’re a fan of sport fishing, then Cabo San Lucas is definitely the best spot to be at! But before you plan your expedition across…
Off The Hook: Cooking Your Catch
When it comes to fishing, there are three Cs you need to know about: catching, cleaning and cooking. While the hours spent at the sea reeling…
3 Best Fishing Spots in Mexico
Tired of returning home empty-handed after spending hours at the sea? Can’t figure out what is that you’re doing wrong with your perfect stock of bait…
All Aboard! Why Fishing Is More Fun With Friends
What’s better than going fishing on a weekend and spending hours by the Los Cabos Sea simply unwinding? Going fishing at Los Cabos on a weekend…
Things to Keep With You On a Fishing Trip
If you have never gone fishing before, then it may seem like a pretty simple activity: rod, bait, line and game. However, it is much more…
Fishes You Can Catch In Cabo San Lucas
Planning a fishing charter in Cabo San Lucas? If yes, you’ll probably want to know the type of fish you could find. Los Cabos is famous for…