Welcome to the Tag Cabo Sportfishing Blog!
Our blog is all about sharing our passion for sportfishing, educating fellow anglers, and continuously learning along the way. Here, you’ll find expert tips, insights on the latest fishing technology, and stories from our adventures on the water. Whether you’re looking to improve your skills or simply love the thrill of the catch, this is the place for you.
Follow us on social media for daily fishing reports, or check out our YouTube channel to experience our fishing adventures firsthand!
Cabo San Lucas fishing report May 1st 2018
Cabo fishing report May 1st 2018 Here are some pictures of our friends from Philadelphia, Joe and his lovely wife.
An Fishing Expedition of A Lifetime: Catching 200 lbs. Tunas in Cabo San Lucas!
With the temperatures getting warmer and the water temperature rising, it is prime season for tuna fishing in Cabo San Lucas in Mexico. Cabo San Lucas…
The big yellowfin tunas are in town!
Cabo fishing report April 24th 2018 On April 22, 2018 Captain Julian set out to target yellowfin tunas since our Tag Cabo Sportfishing team has been…
Cabo fishing report
Cabo fishing report March 14 2028 Yesterday we were At the dock Cleaning boats and doing Maintenance than a few of our boats came in with…
Game Fish 101: Striped Marlins Game Fishing
Game Fish 101: Striped Marlins Game Fishing With its elongated body, spear-point bill, and an extended, stiff dorsal fin, the Marlin fish belong to the Istiophoridae…
Best Fishing Spots in Cabo San Lucas —Revealed!
Out of the many places in the world that attract professional, sport and hobby-fishing enthusiasts Angler Guides magazine states that Cabo San Lucas is one of…