Stock Up on That Fish!—3 Ways Seafood Benefits Your Health

Seafood is a staple in the diet of millions around the world. Numerous cultures have incorporated it into their cuisines and whilst some enjoy eating some varieties in rare form, others love it grilled to perfection. The global fishing industry is on the rise, and it was found that the worldwide consumption of seafood doubled over the last five decades.

So why is seafood loved by so many? What are its health benefits? Below we will discuss a few!

1. It’s low in fat and cholesterol

Seafood on an average has less than 2% fat, making it the ideal food choice for people looking to shed some extra pounds. All kinds of seafood are low in kilojoules, and the ones they do comprise of are lower than the ones present in the leanest meat or chicken!

Moreover, as seafood is naturally low in fats, you don’t have to go through the hassle of trimming it—just grill or barbeque it as you wish and enjoy.

Cholesterol is present in pretty much everything we eat. However, higher levels of cholesterol are unhealthy and can lead to dangerous heart problems. If you’re looking to lower your cholesterol and reduce the risk of getting heart disease, consider having fish at least 2–3 times a week!

2. It’s rich with nutrients

Seafood is an important source of vitamins and minerals. Many kinds of fish, such as salmon, are full of vitamin A, which aids in protecting your vision and greatly strengthens your immune and reproductive system. Another essential vitamin found in seafood—oftentimes on the greasy skin of salmon and tuna—is vitamin D. This vitamin is essential for keeping your bones healthy. It also helps in calcium absorption.

3. Helps reduce symptoms of depression

One of the greatest things you can do to improve your mental health is to increase your intake of foods containing omega-3 fatty acids. The Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health carried out a study that studied the link between fish consumption and the risk of depressive symptoms in people. The meta-analysis comprised of data from 26 studies and around 150,000 participants. It was found that the people who consumed the highest amounts of seafood faced 17% lesser chances of depression when compared to those who didn’t consume much of it.

Tag Cabo Sportsfishing offers luxury yacht charters in Cabo San Lucas. Our yachts are fully equipped with amenities too, with top master chefs on board. You’ll be able to enjoy an array of different seafood tailored to your taste! For more information, call at +52 624.168.9544.