The Time Is Now—4 Reasons Why We Should Protect Our Oceans

Around 50 trillion particles of floating microplastics are found in the ocean. Studies show that more than 800 marine species suffer due to human waste that ends up in the oceans. These are some rather concerning figures, and we have none to blame but us! The ocean is an essential part of our ecosystem; an estimated 40 percent of the world’s population lives in a 100 kilometer radius of the coast, reports the FAO.

It’s time that we take responsibility of saving our planet and do something about the debilitating situation. Here are some reasons to persuade you why the ocean needs our help:

Reason #1: Ocean Acidification

According to the National Network for Ocean and Climatic Change Interpretation (NNOCCI), ocean acidification is a form of osteoporosis of the sea. Acidification occurs when the pH of the ocean drops due to excessive concentration of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in the water body. This affects marine animals with calcium skeletons that are unable to build or maintain the shells. This study shows that shells of animals in tide pools disintegrate at night due to the acidification.

Reason #2: Changing Climate

Global warming has been a climatic concern for quite some time now. As more and more CO2 builds up in the environment, it forms a warm blanket around the planet and causes the extreme temperature changes that we experience. The consequences also include flooding of low-lying cities due to melting of ice in the cold regions and affecting habitats of marine animals. Due to rising temperature of the ocean, many marine animals are migrating to northern regions to find more suitable habitats, thus affecting the entire ecosystem.

Reason #3: Dead Zones

Areas of the ocean that have insufficient concentration of dissolved oxygen are known as dead zones. As a result, animals living in those regions suffer death or if possible, they move to parts of the ocean that have abundance of oxygen. This ends up creating a space where nothing can survive, hence the name dead zone. Although dead zones can be created naturally, it can also be triggered and aggravated by irresponsible human activity. Run-off from pipes and land causes extreme buildup of nutrients in the ocean which leads to excess growth of algae in these areas. When the algae die, it decomposes and consumes most of the oxygen, hence leaving very little behind for the marine animals.

Reason #4: Overfishing

Overfishing is a rising concern; the UN Food and Agriculture Organization reports that around 80% of the world fisheries are either fully exploited or overexploited, or in a state of exhaustion or collapse. Overfishing causes the entire ecosystem to suffer as all species are interconnected. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t fish.

At Tag Cabo Sportfishing, we offer the best sport-fishing experience in the waters of Cabo San Lucas and La Paz. We’re responsible advocates of sustainable fishing and make sure that our fishing activities reflect that. Take a look at our fishing fleet now!