X Ways to Make Fishing More Sustainable

One of the main reasons why fishing is so popular these days is because it brings you very close to Mother Nature. However, once that happens, you start observing all the damage we have caused to the ecosystem. You might also feel guilty and that’s good; it shows you care enough to do something about it.

The first thing you can do is adopt sustainable fishing practices that take into account the well being of marine species and their habitats.

Here are a few simple tips to help you get started:

Don’t Fish near Marine Mammals & Seabirds

Whale sightings have quickly become the most sought-after attraction in Cabo. We all enjoy watching their magnificent bodies plunge out the surface of the sea and slam right back in.

Similarly, watching dolphins swimming in pods can be a mesmerizing sight. Why not show our love for these majestic creatures by adopting sustainable fishing practices?

Pull out your fishing line if they’re within 50 meters of your boat. You should never try to come close to them or throw things at them to scare them away. This is not only illegal but will keep them there for longer.

Refrain from Leaving Trash in the Sea

Avoid carrying plastic bags and bottles to the ocean. If you really have to, never throw them in the waters. Plastic is the leading cause of deaths in marine animals. Many fish end up consuming so much of it that it eventually starts affecting their health while others get suffocated.

You should also clean up by packing up any old fish or bait after you’re done fishing. Also tell people around you to do the same.

Practice ‘Catch and Release’

Consider immediately releasing fish back into the sea if;

  • The catch is smaller than the legally acceptable size
  • It is not the type you wanted
  • If you caught more than you need
  • If you’re fishing for fun or as part of a sports activity

It’s better to use a round hook to catch fish that you intend to let go. However, you should also practice certain precautions so those fish don’t end up dying upon release.

Use wet hands while handling the fish and when releasing it, let it gently slide out of your hand near the surface of the water. If it doesn’t respond; hold it steady for a while and move it back and forth until it feels strong enough to swim away.

Look out for Injured Marine Creatures

Injured Marine Creatures

We can also play our part by looking out for injured marine animals. They may have been hit by boats or entangled in fishing lines or plastic bags.

In such situations, you should note down the details of that species and the time and location you found it and report it right away.

Furthermore, avoid fishing during the breeding season as it is a highly unsustainable practice.

Now that you know how you can help protect the environment, you can plan your next fishing trip keeping all these pointers in mind.

We offer luxury yacht charters in Cabo for fishing, water sports and serene cruises. Our fleet includes a range of yachts including the majestic 38ft Albemarle yacht . Call us now on 624-168-9544 to learn more.